What Keeps You Awake at Night?
Based on my
own research what keeps leaders most awake at night are:
1 Growing sales
and a full pipeline
2 Managing
3 Managing
4 The Competition
This month I
want to bring the spot light onto Performance.
‘Management Today’ found that British Managers often shy away from
having difficult conversations about performance – and if they do have to take
the plunge, quite often make a hash of it. However not managing
performance more frequently results in:
Low teamwork
Blame Culture
High staff
Is there any
organisational practice more broken than performance management? Everyone hates
it – employees and managers alike. Very
few do it well with the performance management programmes becoming organisation
wallpaper. They exist in the background with little or no expectations for
Yet despite
its poor popularity, performance management at both an individual and
organisational level is critical to business success. It can’t just be ignored.
So what are
the 4 essentials to transform performance management so that it becomes a key
contributor to business success?
1. Link performance management to
business strategy
At the end of
the day, you and your leadership team will be judged in terms of how successful
you have been in achieving your business strategy. You need to measure the
right things to establish whether you are on or off track in terms of achieving
your strategy. You will only do this if your performance management system is
clearly linked to your business strategy.
2. Clarity of Objectives – Critical
Success Factors
The critical
success factors are the key levers that need to be operating optimally if the
desired results are to be achieved. You need to be able to clearly define what
those critical success factors are and ensure all department, team and
individual’s objectives are aligned on the same page.
3. Evaluate and Measure
measures are the most common in many organisations. It is equally important to have a range of non
financial measures which focus on areas like customer satisfaction,
productivity and innovation.
4. Involve people
As a leader,
don't fall into the trap of developing performance measures in isolation. Often
those closest to the delivery of the service or making the product have the
greatest insights into what is most critical to success. Make sure you use that
expertise to get results for the organisation.
At the end of
the day, performance management is a practical tool and if done simply can be a
real contributor to organisation success. So what steps do you need to take in
order to gain real benefits from your performance management system?
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