Sunday, 4 December 2016

Take Back Control

Compared to 30 or so years ago it is now expected individuals take greater responsibility for their career. Even those employed in large organisations are no longer relying on employers to provide them with all their career development needs. 

The last time most of us had any career advice was either at school or university. Discussions were invariably centred on vocational type qualifications and which organisations provided the best graduate training. 

We set out on a career path with a clear starting point, a vague mid phase and, beyond that, usually the complete unknown. Promotions follow, headhunters call, offers are accepted, and life goes on. 

Most of us spend at least 50% of our waking hours at work! We get up each morning and go through the same routine, with each day largely the same as the one before. How many of us can honestly say that we feel fulfilled?


Many elements can contribute towards job satisfaction, including:
  • You feel what you do is worthwhile or makes a difference
  • You are recognised for your achievements
  • Your views are listened to
  • You are working with people you like
  • There's a good balance between work and the rest of your life
  • Your daily tasks and assignments have variety and are challenging
  • The values of your employers match your values closely
  • The communication channels within the company are good
  • You have good working conditions and adequate remuneration
  • There's potential for future growth, with training opportunities
  • Your job takes you closer to your long-term goals

To a certain extent the degree of satisfaction you get from your work is within your control. 
Think about what it is you want:
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
  • Are reputation and status important to you?
  • Do you want responsibility?
  • Authority?
  • Creative control?
  • Do you have new ideas you'd like to try - or any additional duties you could assume?

These are all things to consider.
Feeling unfulfilled in your job need not mean handing in your notice and walking off into the sunset. You may have a job that you are happy with in many ways, but that does not fully satisfy you – it may, however, offer scope for growth and development. Firstly, evaluate what you have to offer your employer. 
We each have our unique combination of talents and abilities. What are yours?