The Core Beliefs of Highly Successful People
As you progress in your career the
world of business can at times be ruthless, and even the most successful of
individuals will at some point fail. With possible difficulties lying around
every corner, what is it then that sets highly successful people apart from the
rest of the flock? Undoubtedly, it is their self-belief and resilience to
overcome even the worst of situations
Making mistakes is not the important
part – it's the getting up, dusting yourself off and moving on that counts.
Many great historical figures have commented on failure and success and the
intimate relationships between the two; Winston Churchill famously said
'success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm', and
it's an attitude reminiscent of this that has pushed renowned business figures
like Deborah Meaden and Richard Branson.
Deborah Meaden experienced failure
early on, after setting up a glass and ceramics export agency that ultimately
failed after 18 months. Deborah said: 'I consider it a failure to slog on with
a business that is going to die sooner rather than later. And that's a skill
I've had from my very, very early days. A lot of people are blinded. They
think, “I can't give this up. I'd feel like a failure.”'
Richard Branson has also experienced a
multitude of failed ventures throughout the years, but champions his team's
resilience to push through as the basis for his success. He credits recognising
mistakes and recovering as essential skills for any successful entrepreneur,
saying 'over the years, my team and I have not let mistakes, failures or
mishaps get us down. Instead, even when a venture had failed, we try to look
for opportunities, to see whether we can capitalise on another gap in the
Branson raises an excellent point, and
one that is key to the growth of highly successful people; if you do experience
failure, take a step back and see how you can turn the experience into
something fruitful and productive. Whether it's just recognising where you went
wrong and how to remedy this in the future, or using the situation as a base to
progress in another direction, maximising on your mistakes will go a long way
to you becoming highly successful in your chosen career.